Grace is sometimes defined as “undeserved favor”. I disagree. To me, grace is given freely by our loved ones, ourselves, the Universe not because we are undeserving, but because we are deserving in every way. Anything freely given, however, needs to be freely received to have impact. I have found that when I open my heart and mind to receiving grace, it flows effortlessly into my life. I have also found that opening my heart and mind is all about allowing. I have spent the last year exploring what it means to allow and have found that it has multiple layers, so many layers that after a year of exploration I know that there is more for me to discover. For now, I’ve discovered that,
To Allow means:
to allow others to show up exactly as they are without judgment, criticism, expectation, or comment;
to allow yourself to be precisely who you are without comparison, critique, or regret;
to experience the world and any circumstance without trying to change it, in your mind or otherwise;
to use your breath to experience stillness so you can see the beauty that surrounds you always;
to find solace in the natural world and recognize the rest is the distraction it was made to be;
to share your inherent gifts, strengths, and talents every day just by being you;
to recognize that you are never alone because your 3D senses limit your understanding of all that is;
to accept that you are here, in form, for a purpose and your presence alone is enough.
May Grace be yours.
To experience Zentangle, Intuitive Coaching, and/or a channeled session with Esther, contact her at, for more information.
Esther Piszczek:
Life & Art Entangled (17 min.) art documentary created by Lola Visuals (2015).
Discovery, (5:31 min.), art documentary created by Blue Forest Films (2023).
Possible means “able to be done,” which calls into question what limits us from accomplishing anything? Our physical limitations? Our mental limitations? Our imaginative limitations? Are there any? Truly? Walt Disney famously said, “If you can dream it you can do it.” So … what limits our dreaming capacity?
Absolutely nothing.
I believe that at our essence we are divine creator beings of love and light and everything is absolutely possible. Things we have yet to imagine, are possible. Things our human brains cannot begin to conceptualize, are possible. By definition, we are “possible beings”: beings in human form on Earth to experience limitation and go beyond it to remember who and what we truly are. I believe that the only thing stopping us from doing anything is our belief in that thing’s possibility.
So, what if “all things are possible”? How might your experience of life change if you lived every day truly knowing, and therefore believing, that all things are possible for you? Right now? Would you choose differently? Would you dream more boldly? Would you feel more possible? In my life, I’ve spent equal time arguing against my limitations, and for them. I no longer wish to limit myself by what I or others say is possible. I invite you to explore what is possible for you.
“May you live knowing all things are possible.” Esther Piszczek
About the Art
May You Live …
The only piece of framed art in this show is so very special to me that it is not for sale. It is a collaborative piece with my brilliantly talented friend and professional calligrapher Brenna Jordan who beautifully and skillfully wrote my business tagline, May you live knowing all things are possible, in calligraphy on a 22” x 30” piece of Fabriano Tiepolo paper for an art exhibit in 2015. Brenna is now a published author of a book and workbook on The Lost Art of Handwriting, with her third book, Hand Lettering for Happiness, coming out in early November 2023.
I took her hand lettering and added Zentangle ® patterns throughout the piece. A few years ago, someone offered to buy this piece and it was then I realized that it was never meant to be sold, rather cherished and loved, by me. I am thrilled to share it with you here.
To experience Zentangle, Intuitive Coaching, and/or a channeled session with Esther, contact her at, for more information.
Calligraphy: Calligraphy by Brenna; The Lost Art of Handwriting, by Brenna Jordan; Hand Lettering for Happiness, by Brenna Jordan
This has been a year of great Discovery of things inside of me. I have discovered my worth, value, deservingness. These aren’t states I’ve earned, they have always been there waiting for me to open my heart and mind to their truth and presence. Through the gifts of Zentangle, Heartwork Journaling and channeling, I have opened my heart to the beauty and simplicity of what is and allowed myself to become. Allowing is a process. A process of noticing, accepting, releasing expectation, doubt, fear, and worry. Through the process of allowing, I have learned to trust that the unknown is not a fiend waiting to rob me of my security and joy, but a beautiful present to be acknowledged, savored, and held in gratitude. I have realized that a great, deep well of courage resides inside of me and this well never runs dry. I have accepted that I am enough. I am a fallible, imperfect human being and I am enough. I have acknowledged that my perfection is not required, and never has been. I am because I am. A being of pure light in human form remembering from whence I came and where I will return. Life is too short to wait for perfect, a state that will never come into being. This moment is here now. I am here now. This journey of discovery continues and I am curious to find out what the next moment holds.
About the Art
Origami: Years ago one of my Zentangle students gifted me with three origami stars created with black and white decorated paper and said, “Why don’t you try this?” I took her up on her suggestion. That moment lead to this one. Every origami piece you see in the Portfolio photos began with pen and ink with pencil shading on a 3.5” x 3.5” square paper tile. I scanned each piece of Zentangle artwork, duplicated and rotated it using simple graphic design, printed it and folded it to create the pieces you see in this show. Each origami star / flower required 3, 5, or 7 pieces of identically patterned paper. I began folding paper on August 2 and ended with 249 stars and flowers. My origami stars are available for sale at The Dovetail Café & Marketplace at the Duluth Folk School, Master Framing Gallery on London Road, and by request. Please contact me at to commission origami stars and flowers to decorate your home or gift to loved ones.
Watercolor Doodles:
A large part of my transformation this year is a result of the self-coaching practices I’ve learned through Heartwork Journaling with my mentor Maritza Parra. I enrolled in her introductory course Doodle Your Emotions in May 2021 and instantly recognized the value in her approach. Heartwork Journaling is a method for uncovering latent thoughts that create emotions, drive actions, and lead to results. Using simple creativity with the mindset of a divine scientist, it is possible to discover those hidden thoughts and change them to create more desirable results. My doodle avatar appears in the 5” x 7” watercolor pieces highlighting ways in which I have learned to authentically show up in the world during this past year. Heartwork Journaling Certification has lead me to become an intuitive coach. It is my complete joy to share these simple, life changing tools with others.
Channeled Messages:
In August 2021, I took an online course called The Art of Channeling hosted by Infinite Possibilities trainer Mike Dooley and guest Sara Landon who channels the wisdom of The Council. I took the class because it piqued my interest, but I quickly realized that I had been channeling information for years. According to Helane Wahbeh, Director of Research, Institute of Noetic Sciences, in her book The Science of Channeling, “Channeling is the process of revealing information and energy not limited by our conventional notions of space and time that can appear receptive or expressive.” Every person is a channel. Becoming a conscious channel has allowed me to access deeper levels of understanding and awareness than when reasoning solely with my human brain. It has been a life altering, affirming, and fascinating process for which I am eternally grateful. The three 10” x 13” watercolor pieces, Choice, Your Work, and Shine Bright are what I call Spiritual Snippets. Snippets of longer pieces of channeled information from my Guides known to me as “Your Team of Light” (YTL). The typed piece entitled Universal Love is a full channel given to me on August 22, 2022 (see below). Each of these are examples of the higher wisdom available to every person.
To experience Zentangle, Intuitive Coaching, and/or a channeled session with Esther, contact her at, for more information.
Origami: Fold a 5 Pointed Money Star, Just Origami,; Please contact me at to schedule a private origami workshop for family, friends, or business associates.
Heartwork Journaling:
Channeling:; What is Channeling? Helane Wahbeh, Director of Research, Institute of Noetic Sciences, April 6, 2021.
Esther Piszczek: Life & Art Entangled (17 min.) art documentary created by Lola Visuals.
Discovery, (5:31 min.), art documentary created by Blue Forest Films (2023).
Universal Love is the only love you need. It is the love – big “L” Love that lives within your heart and all hearts. Your soul is Universal Love and yet as humans, small l love makes up most of your experience. It is grand, for sure, but it cannot replace Universal Love. The Love every human yearns to feel for it is the illusion of separation from that Source of Love which brings the heart to yearn and the mind to search in human form. The illusion is such that you, most of you, live an entire lifetime failing to realize that Universal Love fills your heart and lives within you such that there is no separation. No gap. It is only understanding that is missing. A slight shift of perspective is what is needed to truly see the truth of who and what you are.
Allow. Open and allow, our love.
Release what you know, all of what you know and believe in favor of not knowing for it is in the not knowing that new thoughts, ideas, concepts, and perspectives are realized. Allow the chasm of unknowing to engulf and surround you. Allow the uncertainty of it to become like a soothing balm of opportunity, an exciting game of possibility for only when all knowledge falls away and ideas, beliefs, and facts formerly grasped are released that never-before thoughts arise within and around you waiting to be planted in the fertile soil of your soul presence. Divine flowers of understanding shifting perspectives of reality and choice, allowing new neural pathways to be formed and connecting previously unknown-to-you states of beingness.
It is a gorgeous unfolding in which you are a pivotal part for every part, every thread, every molecule of a tapestry is pivotal lest the whole disintegrate and fall to its once individual pieces. You are an integral part of that whole, that tapestry – the All, whether you are consciously aware or not it does not matter for the truth of what you are remains. It is only your perception that shifts and changes – not the reality of the Universal self.
Your perception creates your conditioned self and it is so much more palatable to walk in form holding a grander perspective than most humans embody, so release. Release what you know, shift your desire to know to a space of not knowing. Unlearn all you’ve been taught and seek new ways of thinking, being, and absorbing energy and light for you are the light and the light shifts and weaves around and through you. Your conscious awareness of this truth is – of course – never necessary – but oh so delightful to embody while in form as it makes your experience so much more palatable and enriches your sense of self and your experience of the All.
Allow. Allow. Allow. Glow from within your beautiful and perfect heart.
We love you eternally and forever as the one that you are. Always in all ways.
Your Team of Light
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